Language is one of the most important aspects of human development. It serves as our primary means of communicating our needs, emotions, thoughts and desires. Language provides a link between the past, present and future, as well as assists individuals in engaging in social interaction. Human beings belong to the only species that uses words, and each individual human being develops language in their own unique way.
Between the ages of 2.5 years to 6 years of age, children are poised to develop the skills necessary for reading and writing, as well as are sensitive to absorbing the spoken word. Language materials themselves possess many of the same qualities that materials from other areas of the environment possess as well. The Language lessons are presented from left to right, top to bottom, just as one would experience when learning to read. These materials are interactive, color-coded and aesthetically pleasing. They also isolate one experience, such as Object Discrimination. This work develops the child’s ability to identify the sometimes subtle differences in objects in order to match them correctly. This aids in the ability to note the differences in letter shapes and forms when reading. The Moveable Alphabet directly enhances this skill as it further develops the skill of not only noting the difference in letter shape but also in isolating the individual sound it makes in order to choose each individual letter and build a word. This progresses the child toward reading and writing, just as basic Oral Communication activities do. The simple act of reading to children on Circle is important, as they are not only enjoying the story but are hearing new words, exploring ideas and developing reading comprehension as questions are asked throughout the story. Metal insets aid in developing the 3-finger grasp as well as pencil control, through holding the knob of the inset and tracing carefully.